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I gotta get this off my chest Here 's the thing:

G+_George Kozi

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I gotta get this off my chest...  Here's the thing:


When you want to move a couch, you need a truck.

When you want to travel light, you get a backpack.

When you want to carry tchotchkes, you get yourself a purse, or a murse, depending on which side your bread is buttered.


So... "tablets are the future" my foot! Tablets are just part of the future, and tablet fatigue is already a thing.

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Your analogy isn't quite fair, and uses a different rationale to the other side of the argument. What does the mainstream user want (or need). Basically Internet access. All the things they want to do can be performed on a tablet (or even a smartphone). More and more traffic and revenue is from mobile devices. This is the way the market is heading, and doesn't mean that no-one should make computers, just that their user base is shrinking.

How often do you move your couch that you need to own a truck?

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