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It seems to me that the mobile phone offerings are approaching a plateau

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


It seems to me that the mobile phone offerings are approaching a plateau. When people are trying to differentiate based on how the plastic the phone is made of looks, and if there are dimples on it or it is dimpleless, you call that window dressing iterations.


There has to be a point when you say "meh... my current phone is good enough. I'm gonna keep those couple of hundred bucks, and pay off the credit card instead."


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I know in my own experience I keep my phones at

least two years sometimes three. I basically wait until iOS simply slows to an intolerable crawl or can no longer be supported on my hardware. I also follow Alex Lindsay 's advice and purchase the S version of the phone as I tend to view the first iteration of the hardware as a sort of test run. Although I love technology, I have become much more conservative in upgrading to the latest iteration of things. I would rather that the product works reliably than have it be the newest -- probably a very conservative approach but one that works for me.

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