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I 'm not a developer

G+_George Kozi

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I'm not a developer. Last time I programed something was in Visual Basic... like... 100 years ago. I'm not even all that of a techie, but I'm soooo looking forward to the google I/O.


It feels like these days that's THE place to see what's up, what's down and what's coming in tech. Listening to the I/O speeches is like listening to Zoltar predicting the future in riddles.

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You should not be going since you are not actively developing. I suspect you just want to get the free stuff. Google has to stop giving away the swag. The people actively developing new apps are getting shut out. George you should offer your pass to someone more deserving. IT IS A DEVElOPER'S CONFERENCE! I last developed systems in C. I would not take a spot from someone who should be at the conference. Shame on you.

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