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I just know that y 'all want this

G+_George Kozi

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As you draw a line the little wheel turns. The device measures the rotation of the wheel. Analog Input.


Knowing the circumfrence of the wheel the device extrapolates the distance travelled and displays that on the LCD screen. Digital Output.


Thus the true nature of the device has been discovered. It's an Analog to Digital Converter.

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George Kozi Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ I'm sorry it upsets you went I point out that George Kozi was being an ass, and could have just pointed out what the fuck we were looking at, but rather got his jollies at my expense. Congrats your all geniuses and assholes

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Actually, all George said was "I know y'all want this". Thinking "Why? Nothing wrong with my wrists!", the majority of us looked a little closer, and saw the measuring device. It is a pretty cool alternative to a ruler. Blaming someone else for your own lack of attention is a little unfair, dude. :)

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