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Fr Robert Ballecer, SJ? #Twitkh I have a homeschooling teenage son who struggles avoiding youtu...

G+_Tim Sinclair-Lee

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ? #Twitkh I have a homeschooling teenage son who struggles avoiding youtube during school hours. I am already using the openDNS family filter on my router to protect all of us from mistakes in our internet travels, what I'm looking for is a router end solution. I currently rock a wrt-54g which has "access restrictions" that don't appear to work unless you are just going for Internet on/off (Mac address or IP filtering for YouTube.com has no effect). What router would you recommend that has ease of use with fidelity to block specifics, and maybe some "fuzzy logic" "all video sites" blocking parental controls? I typically just go with the @wirecutter recommended device, but parental control ease is not high on their radar for reviews. Oh I would also need QoS settings too as we run VoIP and have fixed wireless internet (cal.net/internet/wireless) out in the boonies and $70 3mbps can only go so far amongst the 6 of us.


Thanks in advance


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Firewall rules on the PC itself?  non admin account for the kid, then black/white list sites.  Will take some curating and work upfront.  (even a hosts file can work, and not cuase extra network traffic.)

Win or Mac? (or linux??)

If you are looking for a install and forget software, probably not gonna happen.


DD-WRT on the router might give more granularity.


You say you are in the boonies, but is a neighbor's wifi in range?  If so GO;YL

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Chromebook, I have zero experience with. And I'd think the hosts file there would be messy.

I did telnet into an Asus consumer router here  and the hosts file is there. A cron job could swap them at a specified time (of course being on the router, it would effect all clients/traffic)


You could of course just go old school, and just use a belt :)

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I'd consider DD-WRT but for a few reasons: 

1. its our main router, if I kill it during a flash then I'll be in trouble with everyone 

2. its REALLY old (12 years or more) - I suspect that even if I do get DD-WRT/tomato/open-wrt on it that trying to do what I want may overtax its feeble processor

3. if I bork it, it won't be available for reuse as a range extending access point at the far end of the house.


As for the hosts file, I really want to apply it to only his (and maybe his brothers) chromebooks as Mom will need access to youtube for khan academy/youtube videos for the other kids.


I think that mac address and timed  blacklist filtering of his chromebook at the router level is the way to go unless someone has a great idea for an alternate solution?

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Wayne Hobbins close... Java and Javascript are similar in name only. Javascript is interpreted entirely by the browser whereas Java is more of a virtual machine and requires a plug-in to work in the browser.


As with anything, Java should be trusted only if you trust the source. Unfortunately, plug-ins make it easy to run that powerful code in the browser even if you don't trust the source. With newer versions of Java and the browser plug-ins, you get a prompt asking if you trust the developer before the code is actually run.

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As for software, I really don't like software solutions that have to be installed on that machine. They're way too easy to get around (and the options for Chromebook are probably limited).


Maybe there's a Chrome plug-in that would work though? Even then, teens are experts at getting past parent's roadblocks.


There does appear to be a monitored mode for Chromebooks though. Maybe that would be a easy place to start?



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Wayne Hobbins I actually just shut off all his internet access today (well 8-12 and 1-4) and when I called him to ask if he'd got his school work done he thanked me that he hadn't been distracted all day!  so apparently the wrt54g mac filters can at least cut off all his internet even if they can't cut off just youtube!  Still need the better solution though as he will still have to research things for papers.

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