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When I travel, I like to look at the landscape

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


When I travel, I like to look at the landscape.

When I'm at home, I watch stuff on my PC or my TV.

When I'm having coffee on a terrace, I watch people go by.

When I'm in the bathroom, I'm doing other stuff.

When I'm in the park, I watch Mother Nature.


So... Can anybody tell me why I need a tablet?

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Do you have a smartphone?


I know you are an advocate of the non-post-PC era, and you missed out on a wonderful stat MS had for you: 96% of ipad owners also owned a laptop. There are a few caveats, e.g. it doesn't mention usage; it is Apple orientated - and they push their whole ecosystem; it doesn't cover other tablets - my guess is that owners of cheaper tablets (Kindle Fire, Hudl etc) are not the type of people to have many computing devices anyway.


I look at it the other way around: why would a casual/mainstream user need a PC? The general usage for my friends are: Facebook, light email, web browsing, music, messaging, casual gaming and a few other apps.

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Damian Mongru  I do have a basic smartphone, but all the heavy lifting is done by my PC. I prefer it for several reasons:


- When I need to do something, I sit at my desk and I want a BIG screen at arm length in front of me.

- PC gaming (MMO'S)

- I like a proper keyboard.

-When I watch something from the Internetz, I want a full screen experience. I don't like to squint and lean into a small device to see what's going on in a video.

-G+ looks best on the PC, 3 columns.

-TWIT looks best on the PC.


I do all that and more on one machine.


Oh.. I do also have a E-ink device for reading. I prefer the E-ink.

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