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To paraphrase Abba:

G+_George Kozi

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To paraphrase Abba:


Money, money, money

You gonna give them money

It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money

They want more money

It's a rich man's world

Aha-ahaaaaaa ...


Originally shared by Mike Spinak


In the news: Apple buys a headphone company and announces a proprietary headphone connector.


In other news: Google starts rolling out driverless cars, invests in companies that create ingestible medical sensors, and explores the feasibility of building elevators to go into space.


Sigh.... I've been using Apple computers for more than three decades, but sometimes Apple makes me shake my head. Someone buy some real vision for Tim Cook.


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First of I'm not an s

Apple guy. But I am in favor of replacing 3.5 mm.


It's oversized, it spins which is actually nessesary and it makes faulty connections when inserted or removed. All of this combines to make a product that is not nearly durable enough for mobility.


I was breaking the 3.5mm connectors on devices within a couple months. I've since switched to both bluetooth and waterproof cases the have lock in graphics headphone connectors to prevent this. Both are expensive solutions, though the bluetooth is very nice.


The lightning connector idea isn't much better, I'd prefer a magsafe style solution.

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I was actually considering going to iPhone if they released a large screen version. But for me this just blew it. I will not buy a device that uses a proprietary headphone connector.


If Apple wants to start making proposals for a new industry standard then go for it. But I thought the days of Apple pulling this proprietary connector shit was over.

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Brian Dortch Well that is the idea, but if you think of the headphone market, it is heavily saturated with every maker that could cobble some headphones together and someone needs to differentiate. Whether it will be a run away success is still to be remained. Thunderbolt hasn't panned out to be a winner so the same thing could happen.

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Scott Easterday Thunderbolt is different. That is an Intel standard, that many PC makers have decided to ignore so far in favor of USB3.


Thunderbolt is not a made up propitiatory connector like the old Apple iPod connectors, or lightning connectors.

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