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This has happened because of regulation

G+_George Kozi

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This has happened because of regulation. The free market didn't found it necessary to offer lower prices, until the Government told it it had to... and then, suddenly it was possible...


The free market sometimes needs a swift kick in the butt, and that's the job of the government regulators and legislators. So there, regulations and good government (shocking concept for some) are a good thing after all, because greed won't let some industries do the right thing.


Originally shared by European Union


Are you ready for the next drop in roaming charges?

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If the United States of Europe (the EU) actually had a "common market" then the roaming charge would be zero as it is in the US.  If I roam between California and New York, I pay the same mobile rate.  Europe requires supra-national government regulation as it is made up of individual nation states trying to pretend to be one through the expansion of bureaucratic power in Brussels.  The expansion of the administrative state ultimately diminishes individual liberty as more and more decisions are transferred to the state and away from the citizen.  The absurd ruling of the European Court requiring Google to disappear links is a prime example -- information is no longer free, it is now regulated by Google as an extension of the State.

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The U.S. and the EU are virtually the same size. As in the EU, there are many different regional carriers. It used to be long distance aka roaming to call other states, even some parts of the same state.



But to answer the question, yes we have international roaming to Canada, but we do have the option for a North America calling plan with certain competitive carriers. Just as we can add European no roaming to carriers as well.

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