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YouTube - A travel Agency

G+_George Kozi

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YouTube - A travel Agency


For some bizarre reason, I woke up this morning with this old song in my head. This is one of those tunes that speaks loudly of the Eastern Mediterranean. I'm sure that it sounds very familiar to everybody from up North around the Carpathians, to all the way down south Turkey and the Levant.


One of these days, before I kick the bucket, I'm gonna have to go there. There's a lot of stuff to see and experience in that place. But... as strange as it may sound, I do sorta travel... without going anywhere.


Sometimes, I have a place, a culture, or a theme in my head, and YouTube allows me to experience it. It's sort of a virtual travel. I spend hours on end immersed in the music, the history and the culture of far away places, just by sitting at my computer.?


I know it is not the real thing, but it is an acceptable surrogate and it costs nothing. One of these days YouTube will have Virtual Reality, and then, the world will be mine to discover. I would even put aside my objections, and buy an Oculus from Mark Zuckerberg to be able to do that.


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