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TWiT doesn 't have a YouTube show anymore, but nonetheless, I would like to recommend you check ...

G+_George Kozi

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TWiT doesn't have a YouTube show anymore, but nonetheless, I would like to recommend you check out the Begin Japonology YouTube channel.


This is an example of a TV show of the format we are used to see, making a successful transition to the New Media. By successful, I mean that if fits and it feels right.


Originally shared by George Kozi


I love this Begin Japonology YouTube channel. It has a lot of well made half an hour episodes discussing different aspects of Japanese culture. It is well worth exploring.


This episode is about Ekiben, a railway meal that reflects the local cuisine the train is traveling through, using local products. In this world of insipid standardisation, Ekiben is a refreshing and welcomed exception to the rule.


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