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Do you want the notification ticker back in lollipop, what do you think of this suggestion?

G+_Anthony Gale

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Do you want the notification ticker back in lollipop, what do you think of this suggestion?



When a heads up notification appears, allow me to swipe up on the notification, moving it into the status bar where it will continue to tick/scroll, similar to how it worked on prior versions of android. It should also keep the notification in the notification panel. This will give the user the ability to read the whole notification if they wanted to without it covering 10% of the user's screen while also keeping it in the notification panel so that it can be acted upon later. If I swipe left or right, continue to work as it does today in lollipop and dismiss the notification.


Give issue: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=155887 some love if you think this is a good idea. ?


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