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Presenting, a video from an alternate reality

G+_George Kozi

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Presenting, a video from an alternate reality 


The uncomplicated technology used in these ubiquitous vehicles may appear foreign to you, but the natives seem to enjoy it.


It is worth noting that although the fuel used in this propulsion system is carbohydrate based, it is mainly supplied by chocolate and peanut butter-jelly sandwiches.


Originally shared by George Kozi


look at 'em pedalers...

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Don Rideaux-Crenshaw If all the (government propagated) stories about helmets where true and given the fact the Netherlands is a total bike nation for many decades already, the majority of the dutch people should now have serious braindamage.


While of course that's not the case at all, you best ask yourself (also as a true libertarian) where this misinformation in the helmet hype  originates from (the real answer actually has nothing to do with biking).



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