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This is my new silly little USB fan

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


This is my new silly little USB fan. I bought it today for 4 euro. Think about that for a moment. I payed 4 euro for it, and this thing has at least:

-one USB connector,

-a flexible metal stem that allows me to have it in any position,

-a propellor, 

-an electric motor,

-some wire

-on/off switch

-a set of tiny-tiny led lights

-a memory

-a controller that makes seeing the text possible by coordinating with the rotation speed of the blades.

-a software program that stores all the fancy things it displays...


...for 4 euro... I like this thing, but something doesn't seem quite right about that price... it is too low, is it not?

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