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Just putin ' this here Mike Elgan

G+_George Kozi

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Just putin' this here. Mike Elgan 

One can say a lot of things about Europe, but this AT&T stuff would NEVER be allowed here. We have regulations that prevent this kind of things. This is exactly why we don't like monopolies.


Originally shared by Sreek Menon


Finest perspective of Capitalism.


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Is DSL still allowed to call itself "Broadband"? I hear DSL shills calling various DSL services "High Speed Broadband for $15 a month" and I wonder how they are able to call themselves "High speed" or "Broadband". What is the fastest DSL connection available?

In my mind... Saying you offer "High Speed DSL" is like saying... "Our 14.4 modem can double to 28.8 in many circumstances for the fastest DIALUP available"! ... Hey, it's still a MODEM!!!

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charlie white  from an 11/28 update to this article


Amusingly, according to Re/code and others, last week AT&T stated that it was only kidding about not doing the fiber deployment. Re/code's headline says it all "AT&T Says It Still Plans to Expand High-Speed Internet in DirecTV Acquisition."

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The article put words in AT&T's mouth.


AT&T's official comment is 

“Any decision made by the KCC could impact AT&T’s business operations in the area, which is why we asked to intervene in the proceeding,”


In other words, we can't compete with 1GBP internet service so we will try and stop you building it.


AT&T are very aware of the difference between 6 MBPS and 1 GBPS, that's why they want to stop it!!


Can anyone spell anti-trust?


We wouldn't need net neutrality legislation if there were healthy competition.

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