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This is pretty amazing

G+_George Kozi

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Because after initially promoting diesel heavily as a more energy-intense fuel, when car diesel engines became practical, governments 20 years down the line were told diesel particulate emissions were much worse than those from other sources, and were leading to lung disease and death. 

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The process as described sounds like a HUGE waste of energy. Splitting the H2O components and then "heat and pressure" that sounds all high energy to me! Looks like to produce an equivalent of one Watt of "Awesome Magic Fuel" needs 1,000 Watts of energy. Just because it is renewable energy does not mean we should waste it on creating fuel in a process that is not efficient. This is unless energy is really free and does not cost a thing.

I guess it makes more sense to have good batteries and use the electricity directly. This also has some loss but not that much I see here. Ohhh wait - Audi has no patents on electric car technology and missed that train when they invented TDI.

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