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so people were worried about Google Glass, huh?

G+_George Kozi

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so.... people were worried about Google Glass, huh?


Originally shared by Adafruit Industries


Make a Camera Jacket #celebratephotography



Camera jacket is a concept exploring the idea of discreetly capturing image media in public locations.


This design has a small digital camera installed in the lining of a jacket with the lens recording through a small opening in the jacket breast. The camera is operated with buttons wired into the jacket cuff, the camera assembly is held in place with hook and loop fasteners and can easily be detached to allow recharging and media recovery.

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Interesting how our perceptions about the use of such a camera impact our view of the technology.  If it was used to document graft, corruption, or police violence, we would likely be for it.  If it is used to take a photo which violates an innocent's privacy, we would likely be against it.  It isn't the technology per se, it is how it is used.

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