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Can this be true?

G+_George Kozi

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Dalt Wisney The difference here is that LastPass actually has internal security policies in place to minimize the damage.


In the email from LastPass: "We wanted to alert you that, recently, our team discovered and immediately blocked suspicious activity on our network. No encrypted user vault data was taken, however other data, including email addresses and password reminders, was compromised."


Passwords were not compromised. If you have a decent master password that you only use for LastPass, and your password hint isn't obvious, you're fine.

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LastPass is a combination of the app, network, company, its policies, security processes, etc. You compromise one piece and the whole thing is compromised. Good security doesn't imply that something won't be hacked, just that there are (tested) controls in place to minimize the damage. Besides, changing the master pw is a good idea no matter what the reason.

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Joshua Burgess True, but if the bad guys have thousands of password hints they can cherry-pick the easy to guess ones rather than trying to reset lp based only on email and then looking at the hint. Your chance of your weak hint has just increased substantially because you will be at the top of their list.

All in all, a timely reminder for people to be careful about their password recovery information.

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