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Okay, who wants some cake?

G+_George Kozi

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Okay, who wants some cake?


Originally shared by Kimberly Chapman


Goodnight G+.  I'll most likely kill en-tights thrill krill Krull moon spoon avenge shoot you first storm the castle feed you in the morning.





PS Just in case you don't think I have mastery over this creature, you can see "me" standing beside it here: http://kimberlychapman.com/crafts/cakes/2010-feb-alienfilmfestival.html#middle


PPS Yes these are all sugar.  Yes I made them.  Yes I have a big-ass trophy for them.  Most of you have no real idea why my avatar is what it is...it's more about skill in balancing a ball of sugar on a point than about specific aliens.   #sucromancy  

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