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This is how Google will mess up YouTube

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


This is how Google will mess up YouTube


Look at that image. This is a 2h 40min documentary. It has:

- 19 commercial bleaks interrupting it.

- 1 commercial before it starts

- at least one commercial banner at the beginning (there may be more)


I don't mind the occasional commercial break... but FFS... that many?

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Well, you have to remember that Google has its own default ads but allows channels trying to monetize to add more breaks to increase their own ad revenue. There are still far longer videos without any ads for example Collider Movie News at 40 minutes or any TWiT Network video at 30-140 minutes.


You should blame the money-grubber who posted this video because they are trying very hard to get paid. Google is simply inept at communicating who is doing what.

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