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Originally shared by George Kozi Okay I got a fancy beer in the fridge for after the upgrad...

G+_George Kozi

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George Kozi Honestly the comments said last night on TWiT Tech News 2Night? adequately described the state of The Edge browser.


It won't run add-ons.You can't use a third party password manager like Lastpass with it.


It is fast,but just not bullet proof stable by any means yet.I can testify from trying it in my Technical Preview install on build 10240 on my Vaio laptop.

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Stephan Vermette  I think Microsoft has built up a vast knowledge from all the crap around IE, They dealt with it for years and years... So i'm hoping the new browser will have that hard won wisdom at its core. Of course, what they ship now is the 1.0. I'm expecting Edge to come in its own in a few months.

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