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I was wondering when this second generation Concorde will show up

G+_George Kozi

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After reading the article,I can see Airbus has done some research. But the very important topic would this 2nd generation super sonic airliner ever be economically feasible?


The 1st generation Concords were never economical due to their noise pollution restrictions over cities.They were reserved to the wealthy and a crash in 2000 and terrost attacks on 9-11-2001 doomed them to be taken out of service as they just were to expensive to fly and maintain.

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George Kozi Correct George. That crash was a tragedy that the engineers who designed that plane never planned for and certainly was not pilot error.


British Airways and Air France did make safety modifications to there existing fleet after the tragedy.But the exspense of those upgrades plus low passenger counts after 9-11 just made continued use of the aircraft just unfeasible.


We have the technology to make super sonic sub-orbital airliners.Just no one currently has figured out how to make them sustainably affordable.

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