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Mike Elgan Originally shared by Richi Jennings Panic in the cloud, as Europe kills Safe Harbo...

G+_George Kozi

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Mike Elgan 


Originally shared by Richi Jennings


Panic in the cloud, as Europe kills Safe Harbor (@maxschrems cheers)

Computerworld: It's causing panic in the Legal departments of companies that store European citizens' data (e.g., #Facebook). And it potentially opens the floodgates for a metric ton of privacy lawsuits across the member states of the European Union (EU).


In summary: the #EuropeanCourtofJustice (ECJ) ruled that the self-certified protections promised by Safe Harbor weren't worthy of Europe's ideal of privacy "as a human right." So they've kicked the whole caboodle back to the various information commissioners of the 28 member states.


What a mess.


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