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Mike Elgan " Europe has created a bogus situation with the striking down of the safe harbor pro...

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


Mike Elgan  " Europe has created a bogus situation with the striking down of the safe harbor provision "? Really?


So... the Showdown revelations had nothing to do with this? And those National Security letters and those Secret FISA courts the US has, have nothing to do with this?


May I humbly suggest that this European decision is actually in all of our interests. Before this decision nobody found it necessary to do anything about this. Now, we  have to.


The fact that smallish businesses are affected by this is entirely the fault of the tech giants, the US government and the EU commission. This decision was to be expected. After Snowden, they should have planned ahead and they should have done something. The "ignore Snowden, and trust us" argument is anemic, and utterly insufficient.

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