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So is anybody still saying that the EU shouldn 't look into these things?

G+_George Kozi

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So... is anybody still saying that the EU shouldn't look into these things?


Is anybody still saying that the EU looks into these things because the companies are American?


Do you think that such arrangements should be investigated, or ignored?

Mike Elgan 


Originally shared by Sreek Menon


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When I worked in Germany, my British colleagues paid zero tax to Britain as there was no global tax on the earnings of a British subject. We Americans were subject to both German tax and US tax. As corporations are usually considered in a manner similar to individuals, it could be British law only subjects Facebook to taxation based on the territory in which the income was earned. I myself always found it somewhat dubious that I was potentially subject to double taxation simply because I was a US citizen as I had already paid my German taxes. In short, tax regulations are complex and one ought not jump to conclusions without knowing the specifics of the case.

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