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This is my take on it What 's yours?

G+_George Kozi

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This is my take on it. What's yours?


Originally shared by George Kozi


But.. it's a non professional content platform


I think google is about to screw up YouTube royally. Lately everything seems to be jammed full with ads and banners. Even things like a mantra used for meditation is interrupted several times by someone who wants to sell you something... several times. And that's the most idiotic thing I've seen in a long time.


After they pumped everything full of ads, they are now preparing to offer a YouTube subscription that's free of ads. In other words, the strategy is: first piss them off with too many ads, and then ask them to pay ten bucks a month not to see ads. That's kind of assholish if you ask me.


I don't mind an ad at the beginning of a longish video, and even one at the end, but not an ad every few minutes. That makes me feel like someone is milking me, and I don't like it.


By the way, an ad free, or ad restricted YouTube is a good idea, but ten bucks a month is way too much. Ten bucks a month means 120 dollars per year. YouTube is not Pandora, or Netflix, or whatever other streaming service offers professionally produced content. YouTube is an non professional content platform.

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