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Mike Elgan Denise Howell

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Mike Elgan Denise Howell 


Originally shared by Tessa Schlesinger


QUOTE:  Thanks to a new ruling from the European Commission, Starbucks and Fiat are now finally being forced to pay their fair share of taxes, as tax loopholes benefiting multinational corporations with accounts in European countries known for their tax haven status have been ruled illegal.


QUOTE: On Wednesday, the commission ruled that that those companies must now pay back the $34 million USD they each avoided thanks to tax loopholes in Luxembourg and the Netherlands. And from the looks of it, more retribution is in the cards.


QUOTE: While the investigation into corporate exploitation of tax loopholes is limited to Europe for now, it may soon impact the tax avoidance habits of major American corporations. The Commission’s statement mentioned ongoing investigations into Apple’s habit of booking profits made from American economic activity in Ireland — a known tax haven — as well as Amazon’s use of Luxembourg’s tax laws to avoid paying taxes on revenue made in the United States.


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