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And now it 's Apple 's turn to go to the FBI and do a "please please please tell us how you di...

G+_George Kozi

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it's a dubbelblind. If Apple unlocked that one phone, it would have taken a popularity hit, but they could have said "sorry, there was no other choice". Now that someone broke in (yet to be confirmed) without Apple's help, the product is compromised. And if the FBI finds some outdated actionable info on that phone... oi...

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Black Merc?, it's bad. It means there's a zero day vulnerability, that is actively being exploited. If Apple doesn't fix it, it's much worse off than if it had made an update for a specific device that would remove the wipe command that may or may not have been set up to wipe the device. At least with the latter scenario, Apple retained most of the control of what the FBI did and maybe the FBI would have told Apple about the vulnerability to keep iOS users safe. I know it's unlikely the FBI would actually do that, but if I'm certain the FBI won't tell apple anything if it has to hack the devices itself, and it will take just two words to deny info under a freedom of information request: national security. Apple overplayed its hand, and it's going to be its users who pay the price. As bad as having to comply with a court order might be, this is infinitely worse.

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Pierre-André Bergeron not particularly. I know security is a cat-and-mouse game. One makes end roads, then the other. If there were absolute security, there wouldn't be security patches to exploits. Likewise you wouldn't need to keep improving the "level of security" with each new version of an OS.

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I think the FBI always knew how to break this. They chose the case to force Apple to unlock the phone hoping for a precedent to use for future cases. When Apple didn't budge and the case may go to trial with potential FBI personell as witnesses, they realized that they can't proceed without divulging that they could have unlocked it all along and so they pulled this last minute excuse. Essentially, they blinked.

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