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This ain 't a phone, but it IS a technological solution to a real life problem So it merits pos...

G+_George Kozi

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This ain't a phone, but it IS a technological solution to a real life problem. So it merits posting here.


Originally shared by George Kozi


When it's closed, this stainless steel thing looks like a manhole cover, flush with the road. They are strategically placed all over the City center, especially near bars.


When they are opened for business (weekend nights, or events that attracts a lot of people) they silently rise up from the ground, life a thing from Star Trek.


Each of them has three stations. The beered up guys that are chucked out of the bar at closing go stand in one of those recesses, with their back to the public, whip it out, and pee... Popup urinals. A good idea.

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