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I shouldn 't, but LOL

G+_George Kozi

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I shouldn't, but... LOL

Update: Damn it! I apologize. I didn't intend to post this here, but apparently, the new G+ remembers where you posted stuff last and keeps that as a default, not the public stream. Bah! However, this mistake highlighted a G+ technical/design thing, so I won't delete the post.



Originally shared by Jamez Frondeskias


According to a report in the always credulous entertainment website The Mail Online, Norwegian man Claus Jørstad, 45, was using an Ikea Marius chair in the shower when one of his testicles somehow became trapped in the chair mid-shower.


Mr Jorstad claims he was using the chair in the shower because of a "knee injury", when somehow one of his testicles accidentally slipped through a hole and then swelled due to the heat of the water and became stuck.


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