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Now I haven 't looked much into FREE NAS but I was wondering how do you expand the storage after...

G+_Eric Harrison

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Kind of a complicated answer. You can create a new vdev (virtual device, like an array in freenas), and add that vdevs storage to your pool. For example, if you had a raid z2 vdev with 4x1tb drives, and you wanted to add 2x1tb drives, you would have to create a mirrored vdev with the two additional drives and add that to your pool. This would only give you another 1tb of space, and the mirror would reduce the redundancy of the pool. OR you could make a whole new raidz2 vdev (backup and delete your old one), and you'd have all the redundancy of a raidz2 vdev and 4tb of storage space as opposed to 3tb. Basically you're probably going to have to delete your volume, so hopefully you have enough space to back it up.

Read this if you arent confused enough already:



Also use the freenas forums. Users there are super experienced and you'll get used to cyberdog yelling at you soon enough.

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