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It gave us Wikipedia, and online shopping and 24 7 news, and social networks, and podcasts, but i...

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


It gave us Wikipedia, and online shopping and 24/7 news, and social networks, and podcasts, but it also gave us Breitbart, and infowars, and Trump, and flat earthers, and anti vaxers, and ransomewhare, and ciber warfare, etc. So...



The uncontrolled and wide availability of the Internet did:

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So, essentially, you want filters. Right? I mean all these people bringing the 'harsh' to everyone's 'buzz' were there before the internet. For every open commons there will always be bullies and madmen wanting for attention. Walk around in the real world and you get to see the same things. Open debate barely 4 metres from open hatred. We've just uploaded the same everyday content we had going on around us. Except now we think it has a wider audience. But the truth is the audience is not that much wider.


As everyday humans we have always longed to be part of a tribe. Whether it be a tribe of people who like Trappist beers or a tribe that is connected by a common feeling of being ignored. Now we can easily join (or leave) any tribe which forms.


I have to say I've seen a whole lot more good from the internet than I have seen bad. But I've been involved in all kinds of media long before network-connected computers came along. So, perhaps I've just be lucky to have met all these kinds of people in real life.



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