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TWiT is suing Twitter, alleging breach of contract and copyright infringement

G+_George Kozi

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Matt Lee it's not about copyright or anything droll like that. The two parties had an agreement, and one thinks that agreement was broken by the other.

In your analogy to Ford and Toyota, that was over copyright/patents... No maker has an agreement with another maker to not make something look simular to the others.(microchips look like other microchips, the difference is the function)

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Matt Lee

Just like Donald E. Riley said .... TWIT makes money from the advertisements.


If Twitter starts a premium video service -- and I am sure there will be advertising -- this might impact TWIT's source of revenue and their lively hood and Leo is probably worried that the advertisers will leave and move to Twitter.


To an advertiser there is a big difference between Twit and Twitter and it is in the number of people that can be reached -- common sense suggests that will spend money on the one with the most reach.

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