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Can Miriam finally get off her high horse about OIS?

G+_Fred Tomlin

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Can Miriam finally get off her high horse about OIS? I am totally sick of hearing her complain about phones lacking OIS. Every time she's on the show she dominates the conversation and uses the opportunity to complain about a phone not having OIS. OIS isn't the end all be all of camera features. It's OK to say a phone takes good pictures without having OIS.


She's so negative, I'm always disappointed when at the beginning of the show I hear she'll be on. Sometimes I'll just skip the show entirely because I just don't need more of her complaining.

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I am right there with you; you can give her review before the review if OIS is not part of the camera.


And her talking over Flo on this last show when Flo was trying to talk about the 6P's camera and poo poo'ing the fact that Flo used a tripod (so that the tests are all equal).  It gets old.  Why can't TWiT ditch her like every other company?

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Stick her on Before You Buy and leave her there. I'm a week behind on my AAA, but now I'm not looking forward to this episode. She is quite rude to anybody who doesn't share her views. She is the only one who can be right. Fact is, I and I'm assuming most people just want a good enough camera. I myself mostly take family pics for Facebook.


That said, if you want change, maybe start a poll or petition so that Jason and Leo see this opinion (if it is in fact a majority, which it may not be). ?

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I was put off her when she gave what many other people was saying was the pc of the year a not buy on byb because there was a little led on a key. The very same week hp released an update to turn it off and the review wasn't changed. I even wrote to suggest it be a try to see if the led bothered a person or not. ?

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Alan M Carlino Jr I agree, I didn't even get into it really in my original post, but Miriam is consistently rude to the other people on the show. She is constantly interrupting people, doesn't allow anyone to get in a word edgewise (see this recent episode and the talk about updates in relation to the A9). I can't stand her on the show.

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Fred Tomlin I won't argue that she isn't very good at what she does. However, her personality causes me to disregard most things she says. Jason has had to mediate a few times for example between her and Ron Richards, especially in concerning the Nexus lineup. I mean she even complains about compromises in BUDGET smartphones?! I personally don't understand that, considering her history with Pebble. Surely she understands cost to profit ratio. And personally, I've said the same thing since cameras were added to phones. If you want the best, buy a dedicated piece of hardware (on this case DSLR or Mirrorless).

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This issue came up on here a few months back and something must have been said behind the scenes because she got a lot better for a few shows. I can empathise with her on this because I know that I can come across in a similar way when I'm really into a subject. It stems from struggling to control over-excitment. I think she's got some great things to say but much prefer it when she's able to keep her voice calm, her comments measured and her speaking time equal with the others.

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