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I have to say, I 'm not all that sold on Google Now

G+_Robert Blank

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Originally shared by Robert Blank


I have to say, I'm not all that sold on Google Now. Occasionally, I get relevant stuff and when I do, it kind of feels weird. I quickly get past the weird feeling and it turns into a "this is kind of cool" feeling. Google Now's relevancy has had a pretty low track record with me. If Google Now works part of the time and not all the time, I will never feel comfortable enough to rely on it.


One specific issue I have is parking locations. I don't get those cards at all. I was in a situation where it would have come in very handy, but Google missed the mark and didn't come through. I know I didn't get that card because Google thinks I take the bus everywhere. I commute to and from work using the bus, but I drive everywhere else. Somehow, I trained Google Now that the bus is my primary mode of getting around and that is not true.


I found a page with instructions for changing your preferred mode of getting around, but I can't find the setting for "How do you usually get around" in the spot the instructions say to look. It's just not there! How do I find this missing preference?


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Yeah, Google Now doesn't work that well for me either. I'd love to have a configuration page (similar to the chrome flags page) that you could adjust with granularity to enhance how Now works. The current app interface (as with much of what Google does these days) is way too simplistic for my tastes.

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I love Google Now, and it works for me almost without fail.


To change your primary mode of transportation, you can do a search for a location near you (I searched for a park that had a Google Places entry, but a business should work, too). After refreshing Google Now (pull down from the top to refresh), I got a card for directions to that place. Click the 3-dot menu for that card (or any navigation card), and go through the prompts. One of them should be "How do you usually get around?" Change this to driving.


That being said, this might affect your "Time to work/home" card. Hopefully this helps.

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Joseph Cappellino

"almost without fail."

The operative word is "almost." If I expect it to work, then the times when it doesn't work become a big problem.


The directions you gave seem like a typical and convoluted adjustment that fits in with many other things about Google. They should have made this preference more easily accessible, but that's just not the kind of thing they normally do. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you leaving this tip and I will definitely give it a try since it's much better than purging my Google Now data just to make this adjustment.

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