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Twig 247 was interesting, especially the discussion about the possible Google Silver addition pho...

G+_Victor Chavez

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Twig 247 was interesting, especially the discussion about the possible Google Silver addition phones Vs Samsung. If anybody from Google reads these forums if you want your phones to sell more how is this for an idea? Actually sell them to us overseas in a timely manner and you might be surprised with the results.



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Google does not seem to have control over their supply lines. I agree it would be smart to do world wide roll outs. Unfortunately, it is really hard to sell or warehouse unsold merchandise. Slow roll outs tend to show where the strength and weakness is in a product within different phone service environments (and with different providers).


There are also some technical reasons and legal requirements I will let others address.

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Google does not seem to have control over their supply lines. I agree it would be smart to do world wide roll outs. Unfortunately, it is really hard to sell or warehouse unsold merchandise. Slow roll outs tend to show where the strength and weakness is in a product within different phone service environments (and with different providers).


There are also some technical reasons and legal requirements I will let others address.

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