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Leo has expressed interest in doing a "makers " show on TWiT

G+_Marc Kline

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Leo has expressed interest in doing a "makers" show on TWiT. I, myself, have been dabbling for the past couple of years with Arduino projects and more recently with the Raspberry Pi. Now, I'm also looking at doing some simple but highly practical projects with 3d printing and laser cutting via the online service Ponoko.


There is lots of great content out there on the web to get anyone going from beginners to advanced on each of the above topics, but I think that there is a unique space still open for a TWiT program that appeals to broad base, from enthusiasts to novices, much like TWiT shows on other topics. I'm posting to "ping" Leo's interest in doing such a show and see if we can get some +1's from others interested in it. I'm also interested in what others envision.

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