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In a perfect world, there would be a SoundCloud-like social player for recorded TWiT shows that i...

G+_Marc Kline

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In a perfect world, there would be a SoundCloud-like social player for recorded TWiT shows that incorporates the IRC chat log into the timeline of the show, along with after-the-fact comments (+ links + pictures). I think it would be a great way to boost social engagement in the shows. Gotta be possible with the JavaScript time events possible with HTML5 video. Who's gonna do it?

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Used to, now it's fell into inactivity graveyard. The workflow for updating it was

1. Have IRC client open and logging during the live show

2. Once video is released, find the opening in video (after the billboards) and finding the start in irc log (I sometimes entered something that I could easily find for that)

3. Going through the whole video finding if there are any edits done in post. This is extra annoying because then I also had to find where to resume (justin.tv archive was a lot of help in this)

4. Generating json (which was automatic once figured out) and then uploading it.

(by the end I just didn't have enough time to do this, especially doing 2 shows a week)


Here's the script I wrote for it: https://gist.github.com/t2t2/5178333

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Used to, now it's fell into inactivity graveyard. The workflow for updating it was

1. Have IRC client open and logging during the live show

2. Once video is released, find the opening in video (after the billboards) and finding the start in irc log (I sometimes entered something that I could easily find for that)

3. Going through the whole video finding if there are any edits done in post. This is extra annoying because then I also had to find where to resume (justin.tv archive was a lot of help in this)

4. Generating json (which was automatic once figured out) and then uploading it.

(by the end I just didn't have enough time to do this, especially doing 2 shows a week)


Here's the script I wrote for it: https://gist.github.com/t2t2/5178333

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