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Sounds like a EU versus US tech competition regulation war is brewing

G+_Shawn Hussain

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Good luck with that. The "dominant U.S. players" are a. a decade or more ahead in technological development and b. are an essential component of European science and commerce at this point. China found that out the hard way.


All they will end up doing is robbing Peter to pay Paul. That's just stupid and will cost them more than it costs us. There are ways to get their own companies to invest in the requisite R&D without shooting themselves squarely in their collective foot.

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Good luck with that. The "dominant U.S. players" are a. a decade or more ahead in technological development and b. are an essential component of European science and commerce at this point. China found that out the hard way.


All they will end up doing is robbing Peter to pay Paul. That's just stupid and will cost them more than it costs us. There are ways to get their own companies to invest in the requisite R&D without shooting themselves squarely in their collective foot.

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Wow, what a load of crap!!!  And LIB's in the U.S. want us to re-shape our society to be like these misfits...  The main reason they the "EU" missed the boat is due to the fact that their fascist governments were too focused on social correctness rather than building a future for their people, where a great number of their citizens are on social programs or working for the freaking government.  It was them, the EU that screamed "Global Economy" and now they want to pull the door closed.  Go ahead, any society today that continues to vote for these type of fools, deserve their just reward.  

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Wow, what a load of crap!!!  And LIB's in the U.S. want us to re-shape our society to be like these misfits...  The main reason they the "EU" missed the boat is due to the fact that their fascist governments were too focused on social correctness rather than building a future for their people, where a great number of their citizens are on social programs or working for the freaking government.  It was them, the EU that screamed "Global Economy" and now they want to pull the door closed.  Go ahead, any society today that continues to vote for these type of fools, deserve their just reward.  

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