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I have been using a X-treme ebike for about 6 months now in my quest to live life without a gas g...


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I have been using a X-treme ebike for about 6 months now in my quest to live life without a gas guzzling, breakdown prone, behemoth. Mine only cost $650. and does every thing Megan`s does with a few less bells and whistles. I even pull a small trailer for groceries. Great for summer time but mostly retired for the Midwestern winter. If I lived in Ca. it would probably serve well year around.http://www.x-tremescooters.com/products/electric-bicycles/24-volt-electric-bicycles/alpine-trails


Originally shared by Lisa Laporte


Check out our review of the espin on New Screen Savers TWiT Leo Laporte, Chief TWiT and The Tech Guy meganmorrone

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