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Well here we go again Leo quits Facebook again

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Marty D This like so many other things is not that simple. We can have common sense laws that will motivate or at least set an expectation of a standard. We could enact a fine for the spillage of personal information. That way we are not dampening innovation or competition. As victims, we should have some recourse to punish carelessness or bad corporate policy's. We don't have either or now and that thinking will not help private citizens or industry.

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Darrel Axtell I agree, especially in the case of these credit bureaus where we have no choice. That was merely my point about the IRS, That, unlike ATT, T-mobile etc., if we don't like the service at least we have a choice.

And, I do believe Leo will be back on Facebook at some point

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Marty D It is not unreasonable to madate that companies treat our info carefully. Even FB, should be able to harvest info, monitize it, and use if for their own and or the greater good. If they behave irresponsibly we they should be punished. Also, you are not going to like this as much, a political ad on tv or radio has to say who paid for the ad so we know 1) Who paid for it. 2) What the politics of that group and that it was a policitical ad at all. This is a rule with some wear on the tires and it works. IF we have these rules, it may be short of a socialist state.

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