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Hangouts App Bug?

G+_Tom Gehrke

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Originally shared by Tom Gehrke


Hangouts App Bug?


So I've had a Hangout conversation with Larry, Moe and Curly. After a couple weeks of silence, I decide to archive the conversation because I'm sick of seeing it, but I don't want to delete it.


Larry messages me, Moe and Curly again. I get the notification, read the notification and then clear away the notification.


A few minutes later I want to reference the conversation within the Hangouts app and actually read the message (because I only read the notification before), but I don't see the conversation at all.


If I go to the archive, there it is waiting to be read.


My expectation is that as soon as an archived conversation receives an update, it either needs to start a new conversation or the old conversation needs to become active (preferred).


Anyone else annoyed by this or do I need to adjust my expectations?

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Joseph Cappellino You did convince me not to sweat merging my Google+ circles with my contacts so I did wonder if this was a similar situation where I'm being unnecessarily "neat".


I don't think so this time, but I'm open to being shown that I'm wrong.


Here's one scenario...


I've got quite a few conversations that have most of the same people, but not quite. The way they are listed, it's problematic. For instance, I might have a couple conversations that show up like this:



Larry, Moe, Curly, +3 


Larry, Moe, Curly, +3 



They look the same, but those +3's are different. One of the conversations include Manny, Moe and Jack while the other is Tom, Dick and Harry.


If I don't pay close attention I might select the conversation with Tom and badmouth him (frankly he's not worthy to share my name) thinking that I'm talking to the Stooges and the Pep Boys.


The problem still exists within the archived list, but I'm less likely to dig through there to pick up an old conversation. Plus I may have actually been recently talking to the "correct" group where my conversation including Tom (that jerk!) is a bit older.


Obviously this isn't an end-of-the-world concern, but I do think the app needs a bit of work.

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Joseph Cappellino HA!


Wade Shields It could definitely be something specific to me. There could be different behavior depending on if the conversations are IM or SMS. At the time I was using CM 10.2's Voice+ feature and I don't remember if my part in the conversations were targeted to my handset's number or my GV number.


Sounds to me that for you it works the way I would have expected which is great news!

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