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I know that everyone by now has posted something about their personal thoughts about the fact tha...

G+_Stephen Styffe

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I know that everyone by now has posted something about their personal thoughts about the fact that Tom will no longer be TNT starting next year, but I wanted to throw my two cents into the rain.


Some people are essentially threatening to not watch any TWiT programming because Tom is leaving. I don't feel the same sentiment those people do. Yes, I do love Tom and yes he was a great part of what made TNT so excellent! With  that said, I don't watch TWiT exclusively for any host in particular. I watch TWiT with the understanding that sometimes changes needed to be made to adjust to what Leo feels is best for the show. Sometimes those changes are hard ,no...painful, but change happens and I'm going to choose to remain optimistic about the future of TNT despite the fact that we're losing a great host. I'm not suggesting that I think that the best decision was made, but I do believe that the entire network will remain strong in spite of the absence of Tom.


I love Tom and I think the world of him. I wish him the best of luck wherever he ends up! But for me personally, I'm not going to stop watching TWiT shows because of this personnel change.

Also I am thrilled that Mike Elgan was chosen as the new host of TNT! I love what Mike has to say and his insights and I am thrilled to be hearing more of Mike on a regular basis!

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