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A question for all you TWiT fans out there!

G+_Stephen Styffe

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A question for all you TWiT fans out there!

Do you think that Google+ will ever gain mainstream traction?


It seems to me that Google has failed thus far in trying to get the masses to use Google+. When I see pamphlets, TV and video ads, and other forms of marketing, the social networks that I see companies promoting are their FB pages, Twitter accounts, Instagram profiles, YouTube channels, and Vine profiles, but not Google+


So does Google+ have the potential to become mainstream, or at least more mainstream than it is right now? And if so, how does Google go about making Google+ more known to the mainstream?


I would love it if I could get all of my mainstream friends on board with Google+, but at least in this moment, I don't see that happening, which is a shame because I love Google+ and I believe it offers a cleaner, and overall a much more pleasant user experience than Facebook.

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That's because G+ isn't exactly like any of those... There are no ads here so marketing messages are ignored... Its about gathering around interests rather than common history... I've met people from all over the earth here that are amazing geeks and cooks and artists and scientists... If you want to see examples, take a look at my #gqotd which has gained a life of its own by complete strangers...


I don't know if it will ever be the same simply because this place responds badly to too much self promotion. That's why when Twit posts things here they barely get attention...


As for main stream adoption I don't think it's that important... Most of the people I know who use Facebook only do so because they feel like they have to, not because they really enjoy it there... That's not to say G+ is perfect but it's hands down the best community I've seen online in twenty years...


Your mileage may vary of course... =)

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I remember when businesses used to advertise their AOL keyword.  All wheels turn.  I think G+ has the potential to make it eventually because it will be so ubiquitous.  Want to review a business?  You will be doing it on G+.  Comment on YouTube?  Same thing.


Other than that - it is generational, IMO.  Think about it.  Most of the people on lived on PHPBB when we were young.   This is the platform most like old school message boards.  and there is a reason those ruled.   


It will grow and eventually flourish, IMO.

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Kevin Johnson I actually want my friends to use Google+ because it means I don't have to use Facebook at all! That would be nice. Better yet, since Google+ has circles, I can put all of my friends that post nothing but crap in one circle and put the other friends of mine that post decent stuff into another circle. So it's a win-win for me. I can't see any reason why I wouldn't want my friends using Google+.

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As someone else mentioned, G+ is more about interests than about people.  I admit I am not an avid user of G+ but then I don't really use FB or Twitter all that much. 

I just don't want Google force-feeding us to interact using G+ like they have done with YouTube. I had to create a separate account there since I just prefer to keep YouTube separate and Google wouldn't let me any longer.

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Steven Styffe no one has to use Facebook. I've never had an account. Never will. If my friends and family want to keep up with my life they can call me or use hangouts. The idea that I have to use Facebook because my friends do is silly. Now if you like Facebook cool. There is alternative methods of communication. Some just require some effort and meaningful interaction.

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Tracey Allen I was never saying that I had to use Facebook. But demanding or somehow expecting them to move to Google+ to communicate with me is ridiculous. They simply won't do that. It's inconvenient for them to setup a whole new account and profile when they have a FB account that works for them. They're not going to switch to G+, so if I want to follow them, I am enticed to use FB,

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Google can try all they want to try and make G+ appeal to the so called masses. Truth is it is no longer in their hands to do so. I have noticed over the last 6 months the effect of having lots of Facebook type people starting on G+. The level of discord starts to suffer a little. Lots more arguing and disrespectful posting. This has not been my experience before with G+.


It could be that the saturation point of thoughtful, intelligent, well rounded, well behaved, internet savvy people has been reached. The rest can reside on Twitter and Facebook and whatever fly by night operation that will pop up next year.


Google + already has so much more interesting content available than my friends and family could ever dream to provide over on Facebook. You may think you want your friend to use G+ but first examine if they actually have anything to add besides your personal interactions. You don's see a lot of cell phone party pictures or birth announcements here. Why? Because that's what Facebook is for.

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Ricky Cash Your analysis is subjective. That has not been my experience with Facebook. That may be a problem with your friends on Facebook, but my experience is not what you've described. 

I'm not suggesting that Facebook is a good experience, but some comparisons of Facebook to Google+ are more subjective rather than objective. 


I personally would like my friends to use Google+, as I've said earlier, so that I can ditch Facebook altogether. Google+ can much better manage the diversity in friendships I have than Facebook can. 

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Steven Styffe, keep making your case to your friends and eventually they might try it. Once they experience what you have been talking about (regarding the advantages) then perhaps they will be persuaded to continue.


As to being mainstream. I don't think G+ is ever going to be dominant. But I do think it will continue to grow and become more significant in time. I would also suggest advertisers and companies do not promote Google+ because it does not provide the same opportunities for pushing ads into people's posts which the others do. Perhaps this will change.


Google is slowly harmonizing its services and providing much overlap between them. Perhaps your family and friends will welcome taking the leap across to Google for other reasons than just G-plus.?

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