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Howdy! I have never seen any talk about LastPass settings for travelers and I will be heading o...

G+_John B

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Howdy! I have never seen any talk about LastPass settings for travelers and I will be heading out of USA a few times this year. I need to do some googling about this, but of course waned to know if anyone had experience/knowledge about the Unknown and VPN options in the country restrictions. Unknown sounds way to broad a setting but what do I know? Feel free to suggest any VPN recommendations (I am an iOS user and might bring my air on the trip).


Side note, if you've never looked at the advanced settings of LastPass (but we are all nerds here, so I doubt there are many that have not), it is worth double checking and making sure that no one is able to login to it outside of your region/country and to of course change any settings that need tweaking.


Take care and thanks.

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