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On last night 's TWiT Leo once again expressed an interest in Android as an OS for a notebook ne...

G+_Harold Crews

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On last night's TWiT Leo once again expressed an interest in Android as an OS for a notebook/netbook. This is something that has been mentioned several times on the network; generally in connection to ChromeOS. What is stopping any OEM from manufacturing one? I would be interested in having one myself. Certainly one of the primary criticisms of Android is fragmentation. Such a device would create additional fragmentation but it seems an obviously useful form factor. Surely the first OEM who came out with a decent one would reap the benefit in sales.

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Android is not ready for desktop environment. The apps won't scale properly.


But what if Chrome OS has the davik virtual machine. This is what I want.


I want Google to try and separate the davik virtual machine away from the main android. What this will mean are two things.


1. Google can update this independently of the OS as I think as part of the OHA, OEMS cannot touch this.


2. Gets rid of the so call fragmentation issue. If you are on the latest API level and your device support the hardware to do what it needs to, developers can target the latest API.

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