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Watching yesterday 's Tech Guy and Leo has a point as far as Apple staggering its phone releases...

G+_Harold Crews

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Watching yesterday's Tech Guy and Leo has a point as far as Apple staggering its phone releases having a diminished impact because of the common two year cycle of phone updates due to the contract/subsidy structure in the US. But of course the counter-point is that an enormous part of the phone market is outside the US and not in the same contract/subsidy structure. This is reflected in the stats showing that Apple has a small lead in the US in market share but Android dominates market share worldwide. Apple's strategy also doesn't take into account that people who are looking to upgrade their phone at the end of the contract often want the latest phone and that won't be the Apple phone except for a relatively small window of six months or so.

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I've been out of contract for a couple of years now and use Straight Talk now with the T-mobile sim. My family uses the AT&T sim and none of us have any complaints with it. We are not heavy users so we really don't have to worry about the throttling that the extreme users complain about.

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