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All you TWIT people in California having a drought?

G+_Jason Honingford

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All you TWIT people in California having a drought?  Start eating goat meat instead of beef.  Tea instead of wine.  Please don't try to track me down when I mention that Chocolate has the largest water footprint on this list.  :)  


1 gallon of wine requires 1,008 gallons of water

1 gallon of tea requires 128 gallons of water.


1 pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water

1 pound of goat requires 127 gallons of water


1 lb of chocolate requires 3,170 gallons of water




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I am not qualified to debate the accuracy of the source for this info.  I think of it as interesting rather than conclusive evidence. I can say the supporting study has published and peer reviewed:







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