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Fr Robert Ballecer, SJ On the latest Know How you were talking about Christmas lights, and you ...

G+_Shooter_FPV (Shooter_FP

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Everywhere I've looked they cost $12 to $15 which is still cheap enough that I plan to get some for next year's holidays. I guess Fr. Robert got them on special sale from Banggood or similar and most of the time they'll be $15.


Being RGB they will be good for all the holidays, reds/pinks for Valentine's, pastel colors for Easter, red white & blue for Memorial and Independence day, Orange/Red/Yellow/Purple for Halloween, etc.

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ You also mentioned in a past episode you used the waterproof case for the Arduino and showed the code. What episode was the code from? I looked back but can't seem to find it. I'm not good with Arduino code, so is there an episode that you show how to wire up the WS2811? I ordered one set of 50 to mess with, but would buy more if I can get it to work. Thanks!!!!! :)

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