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I just noticed that the user-agent string for IE is

G+_S. LeBeau Kpadenou

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I just noticed that the user-agent string for IE is

"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"

Notice that Mozilla and Gecko are both there, but Internet Explorer is conspicuously missing.


How embarrassing for the team that even mentioning the name of your own product will cause things to break.

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RJ McKenzie I noticed that bit too; but note that it's specifically the web devs that this was intended to confuse. There's a lot of code out there that detects "MSIE" anywhere in the UA string, and delivers bug-compatible code if it's found. Because it's commonly understood that old IE is crap, new IE is crap, and every future version of IE will also be crap. Except that the IE people disagree. So to avoid getting "IE Targetted " code, they say: "Internet Explorer? Never heard or it."

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