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Don 't know if this would be the appropriate place or not but I would love to see a roundtable o...

G+_james Arnold

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Don't know if this would be the appropriate place or not but I would love to see a roundtable of sorts with , Jeff Jarvis and Steve Gibson , and  Padre S.J. and possibly Tom Merritt  moderating (if this is still possible) on security, privacy, online advertising, NSA, etc. and how it affects users and businesses.

Got this idea from Jeff Jarvis on TWiG last week when he mentioned what he learned by listening to Steve. I think I also suggested this several months ago.

I know personally I would love to see these intelligent individuals in one room discussing these things with each other.


Lisa Kentzell 

 Leo Laporte 

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Zulhaimi Abdul Hamid  I like Jeff's take on this stuff as much if not more than any other host, as he gives more of an international perspective to the story. Also it does have an effect on tech companies such as Google and it is This Week in Google after all.  :)


However he does get me with his "tracking is not that bad" stuff sometimes.

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Talking about Security and the NSA here, I had a person from the Southern OregonTime Co-op in which I joined call me and did not leave a message because when I called her back and asked why a message wasn't left, I was told that because she heard a click she thought that she was being recorded. Very important that these NSA, spying issues be addressed! It is essential that people like Steve Gibson, Jeff Jarvis, Father Robert Ballecer and Tom Merritt mentioned in this post discuss because those of us wondering who called will not know whether it is a ligitimate call or not.

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Dennis A. Deschamps  I find her reason for not leaving a message fascinating...  of course she was being recorded she was leaving a message!!

 More fascinating (channeling my inner Vulcan) is that if it was anyone official I doubt very much you would hear a click for that purpose. She was afraid YOU were recording her message which indeed you were as she was ..well.. leaving you a message.

There is a fine line between vigilance and paranoia.

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james Arnold As Leo Laporte has mentioned before everyone has to give and take a little. Every time that someone calls a phone and leaves a message, this can be considered being recorded. If people are that paranoid, like the lady that called me, then don't call. Plain and simple! Even you and I are to some extent are recorded since we have Google+ accounts plus more I am sure. How is it that we aren't paranoid now? To be able to make B2B connections we must leave messages. Why is it that when answering machines for LAN line phones were first introduced and now integrated into cordless telephones, people weren't paranoid? Go figure LoL!

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